PTE Academic Reading- Reorder Paragraph

Q."The text boxes in the left panel has been placed in random order. Restore the original order by dragging the text boxes from the left panel to the right panel."

To practice speaking Section, follow the link-Speaking Section(Summarize the Written Text)


a. Perhaps they can acquire grammar and speak if they could only use grammar some way other than with a voice. The obvious alternative issign language.

b. Chimpanzees cannot speak because, unlike humans, their vocal cords arelocated higher in their throats and cannot be controlled as well as humanvocal cords.

c. A logical candidate for such a species is the chimpanzee, which shares98.4% of the human genetic code.

d. It does not follow from their lack of speech, however, that chimpanzeesare incapable of language, that is, a human-like grammar.

e. A simple way to disprove this Innateness Hypothesis, as linguists call it, isto demonstrate that other species have the capacity to speak but forsome reason simply have not developed speech.


a.When this bank was founded in 1695, Scots coinage was in short supplyand of uncertain value, compared with English, Dutch, Flemish or Frenchcoin.

b.The first Scottish bank to do this was the Bank of Scotland.

c.To face growth of trade it was deemed necessary to remedy this lack ofan adequate currency

d.But in Scotland, three banks are still allowed to issue banknotes.

e.In most countries, it is only the government, through their central banks,who are permitted to issue currency.


a.Mill was able to see an expanded role for the State in such legislation toprotect us against powerful interests.

b.They had become rapidly dominated by powerful enterprises who wereunable to act in their own interests, against the interests of both workersand consumers.

c.He was able to argue that the State was the only organ that was genuinelycapable of responding to social needs and social interests, unlike markets.

d.Markets may be good at encouraging innovation, and following trends,but there were no good at ensuring social inequality.

e.There had already been some legislation to prevent such abuses such asvarious Factory Acts to prevent the exploitation of child workers or Actsdesigned to prevent manufacturers from adulterating bread.


a.From 8:40 pm, the bridge will be turned into a canvas showing theWelcome to Country ceremony

b.Fireworks and special effects, including a red “waterfall” from the bridgebase, will turn the structure built in 1932 into a giant Aboriginal flagshortly after the sun sets for the last time in 2015.

c.Fireworks and special effects will also turn the bridge into a giantAboriginal flag before the 9pm fireworks display.

d.“It’s about how we’re all so affected by the harbor and its surrounds, howspecial it is to all of us and how it moves us,” said the Welcome toCountry’s creative director, Rhoda Roberts.


a.Since the progress of an airplane is aided or impeded depending onwhether tailwinds or headwinds are encountered, in the NorthernHemisphere the jet stream is sought by eastbound aircraft, in order togain speed and save fuel, and avoided by westbound aircraft.

b.Jetstream, narrow, swift currents or tubes of air found at heights rangingfrom 7 to 8 mi (11.3–12.9 km) above the surface of the earth.

c.Instead of moving along a straight line, the jet stream flows in a wavelikefashion; the waves propagate eastward (in the Northern Hemisphere) atspeeds considerably slower than the wind speed itself.

d.They are caused by great temperature differences between adjacent airmasses. 



a.That may be changing.

b.This presents a challenge to Google and other internet search companies,which have built a multi-billion dollar industry out of targeted advertisingbased on the information users reveal about themselves online.

c.Although Google says the system is designed to filter out any scandalousor potentially compromising queries, the fact that even a fraction ofsearches can be seen by visitors to the world’s biggest search company islikely to come as a shock to internet users who think of web browsing asa private affair.

d.Over the past year, a series of privacy gaffes and government attempts togain access to internet users’ online histories have, along withconsolidation among online search and advertising groups, thrust theissue of internet privacy into the spotlight.

e.In the lobby of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California,computer screens display lists of the words being entered into thecompany’s search engine.



a.1938, Brazil’s music and folk’s what

b.What is the record intension 1-16 the second

c.Their record is a natural voice, the voice of cattle and sheep

d.Then Brazilian



a.The scientists have studied it confirmed that 100 years ago.

b.He lost his memory and did not know where the kitchen is

c.A scientist is sick.

d.But when he is hungry at night, he is automatically finding the location ofthe kitchen.



a.Indian businessmen have used IT to create new business models thatenable them to provide services in a more cost-effective way. This is notsomething that necessarily requires expensive technical research.

b.“This way, I will have access to the best scientists in the world withouthaving to produce them myself,” says Mr. Maria.

c.Innovation in India is as much due to entrepreneurialism as it is to IT skills,says Arun Maria, chairman of Boston Consulting Group in India.

d.He suggests the country’s computer services industry can simplyoutsource research to foreign universities if the capability is not availablelocally. 



a.The rate of refugee arrivals has indeed slowed; but, as some argue, at theexpense of our human rights reputation.

b.At the same time, a raft of changes was introduced to alter Australia’smigration law and policy.

c.With the election of a new administration, all refugees were subject todetention while waiting for a decision on their application.

d.We took even more than our share of refugees on population-weightedbasic.

e.Australia used to have a generous immigration policy for refugees fleeing violence and conflict. 



a.First said before the rail with wood,

b.Changed to steel,

c.Finally, how can this wagon look like

d.Later industrialized,

e.A few years later a personal invention of the wagon,



a.Then a series of highly visible ecological problems created a groundswellof support for strict government regulation.

b.The Environmental Revolution has been almost three decades in themaking, and it has changed forever how companies do business.

c.In the 1960s and 1970, corporations were in a state of denial regardingtheir impact on the environment.

d.Today many companies have accepted their responsibility to do no harmto the environment.

e.In the United States, Lake Erie was dead. In Europe, the Rhine was on fire.In Japan, people were dying of mercury poisoning. 




a.The average individual is of less value to himself, to his family and tosociety than he could be.

b.It is natural to be healthy, but we wandered so far astray that disease isthe rule and good health the exception.

c.There is too much illness, too much suffering.

d.Of course, most people are well enough to attend to their work, but nearlyall are suffering from some ill, mental or physical, acute or chronic.

e.We are losing every year a vast army of individuals who are in theirproductive prime. 



a.The top executives of the large, mature, publicly held companies hold theconventional view when they stop to think of the equity owners’ welfare.

b.They assume that the stock market automatically penalizes anycorporation that invests it resources poorly

c.So companies investing well grow, enriching themselves and shareholdersalike, and ensure competitiveness; companies investing poorly shrink,resulting, perhaps in the replacement of management.

d.They assume that they’re using their shareholders’ resources efficiently ifthe company’s performance - especially ROE and earnings per share - isgood and if the shareholders don’t rebel.

e.In short, stock market performance and the company’s financialperformance are inexorably linked.



a.With regard to defense, the purpose of the military is to defend the nationand be prepared to do battle with its enemy.

b.But in the industrial era, destroying the enemy’s productive capacitymeans bombing the factories which are located in the cities.

c.The idea is to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, and dependingupon the economic foundation, that productive capacity is different ineach case.

d.Now in the information era, destroying the enemy’s productive capacitymeans destroying the information infrastructure.

e.How do you battle with your enemy?

f.So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productivecapacity, what you want to do is bum his fields, or if you’re really vicious,salt them. 



a.The communities of ants are sometimes very large, numbering even to500,000 individuals.

b.It is evident, therefore, that the ants of each community all recognize oneanother, which is very remarkable.

c.However, they are in hostility not only with most other insects, includingants of different species, but even with those of the same species ifbelonging to different communities.

d.And it is a lesson to us that no one has ever yet seen quarrel between anytwo ants belonging to the same community.

e.I have over and over again introduced ants from one my nets into anothernest of the same species, and they were invariably attacked, seized by aleg or an antenna, and dragged out.



a.Unlike Barnes’ previous books, Mother of Storms has a fairly large cast ofviewpoint characters.

b.They’re not all necessarily good guys, either, although with the hurricaneswrecking wholesale destruction upon the world’s coastal areas, ethicalcategories tend to become irrelevant.

c.This usually irritates me, but I didn’t mind it here, and their interactionsare well-handled and informative, although occasionally in moving thoseabout the author’s manipulation are a bit blatant.

d.But even the Evil American Corporate Magnate is a pretty likable guy.



a.“There’s no program like this in Australia,” Ms. Bocking said, who devisedthe project as the final component of her community education degree atthe University.

b.Julia Bocking’s Literacy and Dads (LADS) project aims to increase thenumber of fathers participating as literacy helpers in K-2 school readingprograms at Queanbeyan Primary Schools.

c.A University of Canberra student has launched the nation’s first father- led literacy project, to encourage fathers to become more involved intheir children’s literacy.

d.Having worked as a literacy tutor with teenagers, Ms. Bocking saw theneed for good attitudes towards reading to be formed early on-with thehelp of more male role models.



a.Cash transactions offer both privacy and anonymity as it does not containinformation that can be used to identify the parties nor the transactionhistory.

b.Electronic transactions are happening in closed group networks andInternet. Electronic commerce is one of the most important aspects ofinternet to emerge.

c.Moreover, money is worth what it is because we have come to accept it.

d.To support e-commerce, we need effective payment systems and securecommunication channels and data integrity.

e.The whole structure of traditional money is built on faith and so willelectronic money have to be. 



a.Marquez arrived in October 1577 at the abandoned town of Santa Elenawith two ships carrying pre-fabricated posts and heavy planking.

b.In 1571, it became the capital of La Florida.

c.He erected fort San Marcos in six days in defense against a NativeAmerican attack such as the one that forced the abandonment of thetown a year earlier.

d.The town had flourished, nearing 400 residents, since its establishmentmore than a decade earlier in 1566 by Pedro Menendez de Aviles who hadfounded La Florida and St. Augustine the year before. 




a. Palaeontologists still argue about the origins of major groups; though newfossil finds since Darwin’s time have cleared up many of the disparities inthe fossil record. Even during Darwin’s lifetime, some transitional formswere found.

b.An evolving group may have reached a stage at which it had an advantageover other groups and was able to exploit new niches in nature. Climatechange may also have produced a “spurt”, as might the extinction of othergroups or species, leaving many niches vacant.

c.Others, however, believe that the fossil evidence suggests that, at variousstages in the history of life, evolution progressed rapidly, in spurts, andthat major changes occurred at these points.

d.Today, many years later, many believe that evolution has progressed atthe same steady rate and that the absence of transitional forms can beexplained by Darwin’s argument that there are huge gaps in the fossilrecord and that transition usually occurred in one restricted locality.




a.One of the most successful designs of this period was the Douglas DC-3,which became the first airliner that was profitable carrying passengersexclusively, starting the modern era of passenger airline service

b.Great progress was made in the field of aviation during the 1920s and1930s, such as Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight in 1927, and CharlesKingsford Smith’s transpacific flight the following year.

c.By the beginning of World War II, many towns and cities had built airports,and there were numerous quailed pilots available.

d.The war brought many innovations to aviation, including the first jetaircraft and the first liquid-fueled rockets.




a.He proposes that instead of arguing for sacrifice, environmentalistsshould show where the rewards might lie.

b.Our views are formed by the views of the people with whom we mix. Ofthe narratives that might penetrate these circles, we are more likely tolisten to those which offer us some reward.

c.We should emphasize the old-fashioned virtues of uniting in the face of acrisis, of resourcefulness and community action.

d.In his fascinating book Carbon Detox, George Marshall argues that peopleare not persuaded by information. 




a.This is giving us the message that we need new and enhanced efforts toincrease fruit and vegetable intake that we haven’t been doing in the past.

b.Larson and colleagues from the University of Minnesota undertook thestudy to examine whether or not teens in the state were increasing theirintake of fruits and vegetables. The study gathered information aboutfruit and vegetable intake among 944 boys and 1,161 girls in 1999 andagain in 2004.

c.Fruit and vegetable intake is important for the prevention of futurechronic disease. So it’s important to know whether intakes of teens areapproaching national objectives for fruit and vegetable consumption.

d.Ultimately, Teens in middle adolescence are eating fewer fruits andvegetables than in 1999, Larson and colleagues found.




a.… called UN;

b.… those problems will otherwise not able to …

c.for example, it invites presidents etc. to attend the conference and discussproblems as …

d.UN … ; … to focus on world problems; 



a.Dietary supplements can appear to be a healthful option for treatingcertain health conditions.

b.The drug sibutramine is one of these substances

c.Their labels list herbs or other natural ingredients that consumers assumeare safe to take

d.It was once approved for weight loss but was withdrawn after concernsarose that medication could increase the risk of heart attacks.

e.But over the past several years, regulators have detected prohibitedsubstances in some of these products that aren't included on the labels.




a.Stephen Stanley, chief economist at RBS Greenwich Capital, said:"Builders will probably have to continue to work off bloated stocks offinished homes for most of 2007."

b.Americans bought far fewer new homes last month, according togovernment data released on Wednesday that showed sales fell at thefastest rate in 13 years.

c.However, the Federal Reserve views the overhang of unsold homes ascause for concern but remains cautiously optimistic the sector isstabilizing and will not derail the economy

d.The biggest drop was in the west, where sales fell 37 per cent to an annualrate of 166,000.

e.House prices also eased as the median cost of a new home fell 2.1 percent from a year ago to $239,800.

f.The pace of sales fell to 937,000 from a rate of 1.1m the previous month,while inventories of unsold homes stood at 537,000.




a.Practically speaking, however, it is about as easy to present all sides ofan issue as it is to invite candidates from all political parties to apresidential debate.

b.Some perspectives ultimately are not included.

c.Journalists try to be fair and objective by presenting all sides of aparticular issue.

d.Although experts like journalists are expected to be unbiased theyinvariably share the system biases of the disciplines and cultures inwhich they work.




a.The site lists not only his published books and articles but alsomanuscripts and oral communications, in a variety of media andincluding reprints and translations.

b.This site contains a comprehensive listing of the works of Norbert Elias, aGerman sociologist.

c.The material has been catalogued, cross-referenced and organized bydate.

d.There is, however, no search facility.



a.It also will give him something worthwhile to live for.

b.If he fails, it may have been due to troubles in his home, his school orunsympathetic and hostile relative.

c.The finest asset any child can have is a happy home.

d.If he exhibits good judgement in later years, much of the credit must goto those who trained him.

e.Such environment will enable him to develop strength and stability ofcharacter thereby teaching him to face the future without fear or undueanxiety. 




a. During this time, I succeeded in learning to read and write. 

b. I lived in Master Hugh's family for seven years. 

c. I had no regular teacher. 

d. Mrs. Hugh, who had kindly consented to instruct me, had, in compliance with the advice and direction of her husband, not only ceased to instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed by anyone else. 

e. In accomplishing this, I was compelled to resort to various stratagems. 



a. The general impressions that skilled negotiators seem to convey is they are people who keep their cards close to their chest and do not reveal their feelings. 

b. Hence, they used a surrogate method- they countered the number of times that the negotiators talked about their feelings or motives. 

c. This contrasts sharply with the amount of information given about external events such as facts, clarifications and general expressions of opinion. 

d. The results showed that contrary to the general impressions, skilled negotiators are more likely to give information about internal events than are average negotiators. 

e. Feelings are in themselves not observable and Huthwaite's researchers could not measure them directly. 



a. As manufacturing continues to shrink in an economy, overall growth will increasingly depend on boosting productivity in services. 

b. Policy should therefore focus on removing obstacles (such as trade barriers and regulation), to such productivity growth, and creating a labour market in which workers can move freely from factory employment to services. 

c. Protection and subsidies push just the wrong way. 

d. But those who would tackle this by subsidies or trade barriers are missing the point. 

e. De-industrialization causes problems in economies unable to absorb the workers released by manufacturing. 




a. You have to let people think and act outside their corporate ―boxes‖. You have to create an atmosphere of innovation. 

b. Innovation is about doing what delights the customer, not just satisfying the customer. 

c. But you can't invent revolutionary products in a conservative environment. 

d. It's giving the customer something they didn't expect. They can't ask for it because they can't know what it is before it is created. 

e. Once it has been invented, customers can't imagine ever having lived without it. 




a. The extinct animal has been described through re-examination of a specimen that's been in a museum collection since 1951. 

b. It then spent decades in the collection of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. 

c. Researchers think it is a relative of the endangered South Asian river dolphin, offering clues to the evolutionary history of modern species. 

d. The findings have been published in the journal open access Peer J. 

e. The fossil, a partial skull about 22cm (9ins) long, was discovered in southeastern Alaska by geologist Donald J Miller in 1961. 




a. Timber harvesting is a major reason for the destruction of the forests. 

b. The timbers are used for building houses, making furniture, and providing pulp for paper products, such as newspapers and magazines. 

c. The earth is losing its forests. Presently, trees cover about 30 percent of the earth's surface, but they are being destroyed at an alarming rate, especially in the tropics. 

d. At least 40 hectares of rainforest are being felled every minute, mostly in order to extract the valuable timber. 

e. Another way that man is destroying the world's forests is by burning them down. In the Amazon, for example, rainforests are being burnt down at a rate of 20 hectares a minutes. 



a. Not only are there some good career in engineering, but there's a lot of money going into the research side, too. 

b. With the pressure of climate change, funding from the research council has probably doubled. 

c. Engineers, in particular, are much needed to develop greener technologies. 

d. The energy sector has a fantastic skills shortage at all levels. 



a. It is held annually near Essakane, an oasis some 40 miles north-west of Timbuktu, the ancient city on the Niger River. 

b. The reward of navigating this rough terrain comes in the form of a three-day feast of music and dance. 

c. Reaching it tests endurance, with miles of impermanent sand tracks to negotiate. 

d. The “Festival in The Desert” is a celebration of the musical heritage of the Touareg, a fiercely independent nomadic people. 




a. Anyone wanting to get to the top of international business, medicine or academia (but possibly not sport) needs to be able to speak English to a pretty high level. 

b. Because so many English-speakers today are monoglots, they have little idea how difficult it is to master another language. 

c. Many think the best way to make foreigners understand is to be chatty and informal. 

d. This may seem friendly but, as it probably involves using colloquial expressions, it makes comprehension harder. 

e. Equally, any native English speaker wanting to deal with these new high achievers needs to know how to talk without baffling them. 


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