Pre Exam day

How much you have practised isn't always the key what matters to succeed. Your pre-exam day should be used wisely in order to achieve the target. Best PTE Centre will model you to get the score and success. Let's find out what matters the most on the pre-exam day-

Use Your Moments Wisely

The few minutes before you switch off the light is a fantastic time  for memorisation.  Learning before sleep significantly improves memory retention -  so when you're tucked up in bed, have a quick read-through of the most important facts, equations or vocabulary. Then switch off.

Eat A Great Meal

Make a special effort to cook yourself a decent meal. I'm not suggesting “brain food” such as nuts or oily fish, but a meal you’d have if you were celebrating and wanted to spoil yourself, such as steak and chocolate tart. It’ll make you feel happy and give you a boost ready for the next day.


Do one fun thing like watching a comedy show, having a kickabout or fiddling around with photos on Instagram. Laughing will relax you, lower stress and help you get a good night’s sleep.

Make Sure You Wake Up

Set an alarm. Set two. Get a family member or friend to check you're up against if you're still worried. Just make sure you get to the exam in plenty of time.

Know When To Stop  

In the morning, eat a hearty breakfast and go over your most important facts before you leave the house. Then again on the way to the exam. When you arrive at the exam hall, stop using your brain. If you don’t know your stuff by now, you never will! Too much last-minute cramming minutes before can send your brain into a spin.

Use The Space

When in the exam room, sit comfortably and spread out. It’s proven that when we physically make ourselves larger, by spreading our arms or leaning back on the chair, this releases a type of hormone which makes you more confident. It works - we promise.

Don't Drink Too Much

Don’t drink too much water, a sip every hour is all you need. Dehydration is not going to be a problem during the exam, but drinking many pints of water and needing a toilet break every five minutes is. The sip is just for a quick diversion to give your brain and hand a breather.

Do What Works For You

Finally, everyone is different. Some people like to be on their own around exams, others blare motivational music from their earphones. Maybe you're someone who likes to wear their shiniest pair of high heels for luck. Do whatever puts you in the best frame of mind and you'll be set up perfectly to ace the exam. To find more about what to do on the exam day follow the link-On the Exam Day

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NRS 22,500
  • Duration 52 WEEKS
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  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • e- Learning Yes
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  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Total Mocks 22 Tests
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AUD 695
  • Duration 4 WEEKS
  • Classes 20
  • Course Timing 20 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
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PTE Nepal
NRS 13,000
  • Duration 8 WEEKS
  • Class 40
  • Course Timing 40 Hours
  • Scored Mock Test 2 Yes
  • Weekly Mock Test 3
  • Full Mock Test 3
  • e-Learning Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
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  • Discussion Group Yes
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  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Yes
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AUD 550
  • Duration 2 WEEKS
  • Classes 8
  • Course Timing 8 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Class Yes

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