
Lack of preparation for exams can be very stressful for anyone who's going to sit on the exam. Make sure you get the most out of your exam study using the resources you have followed during the preparation. Some tip and techniques that can be very useful for anyone who's sitting on the exam-

Know What to Study-

The best thing you can do before the exam is to find out what you have to study for what section. Try sample questions, try different variations of question sets, structure your study plan and focus on the important topics.

Plan your Study-

Try to update every plan you have on a day to day basis. What you have studied, what's left, what are your weak sides, your strong sides and always cover it up one after another.


Review all the sections you need to cover during the exam. It's always good to know each section, their specific strategies so you can handle those problems with no big issue. If you have problems with any section, topic it's a good idea to discuss with your tutor in advance.

Using Time Effectively-

This is one of the most important things for a student attending an exam. I can't get up early in the morning and start studying/preparing for my exams but i'm good to sit late night and be well prepared.   If you're a morning person don't try to stay late and study. You can't concentrate at all if you are reversing your daily study habit. Try to use scan and skim technique while studying. Most importantly, DO NOT study for long and continuous hours. Better give some break for your body and mind. It helps you to understand and pick up the things quickly.

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Unlimited Plan
NRS 22,500
  • Duration 52 WEEKS
  • Classes Unlimited
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  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • e- Learning Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 4
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Total Mocks 22 Tests
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Yes
Regular Plan
AUD 695
  • Duration 4 WEEKS
  • Classes 20
  • Course Timing 20 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Class Yes
PTE Nepal
NRS 13,000
  • Duration 8 WEEKS
  • Class 40
  • Course Timing 40 Hours
  • Scored Mock Test 2 Yes
  • Weekly Mock Test 3
  • Full Mock Test 3
  • e-Learning Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Practice Lab Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Yes
Express Plan
AUD 550
  • Duration 2 WEEKS
  • Classes 8
  • Course Timing 8 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Class Yes

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We understand the best strategies you choose during your exam can give you the Best scores. We guide our students simply yet most effectively to hit the nail on head via various tip and techniques.


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