Speaking & Writing

PTE Academic Speaking and Writing has 8 sections each having 2-4 question sets. 

1.1 Personal Introduction-

In this Section, the student is allowed to give a personal introduction but is not scored. You will be given 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare your response and the next 30 seconds to record your response.

1.2 Read Aloud-

In this section, the student will need to read the text aloud. You have 30-40 seconds to prepare to depend upon the length of the paragraph. Start reading the text-only after the microphone opens with a beep sound.

You should speak clearly and with no rush or mixed words. Please remember you need to finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end.

1.3 Repeat Sentence-

In this Section, a student should repeat what they heard clearly and immediately into the microphone. Finish Speaking before the progress bar reaches the end.

1.4 Describe Image-

In this Section, the student will have 25 seconds to studies the image and prepare the response.  Start speaking to the microphone once it opens immediately after the short-Beep tone.

Speak clearly with no words mixed in between and finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end.

1.5 Re-tell Lecture-

In this section, students should prepare a summary of the lecture. You have 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to give your response.

Speak clearly to the microphone once it opens up with a short-Beep tone.  Finish before the progress bar reaches the end.

1.6 Answer Short Question-

In this Section, the student needs to reply to the question in one or a few words.

You should speak clearly to the microphone once it opens and the recording status box shows-"Recording". THERE IS NO SHORT BEEP TONE.

1.7 Summarize Written Text-

In this section, students need to summarize the paragraph in ONE SENTENCE of no more than 75 WORDS. "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" is allowed.

1.8 Essay-

In this Section, a student needs to write an argumentative essay of MINIMUM of 200 words but no more than 300 words. YOU WILL HAVE 20 MINUTES TO WRITE YOUR ESSAY.

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Course Tariff Plans

Unlimited Plan
NRS 22,500
  • Duration 52 WEEKS
  • Classes Unlimited
  • Course Timing Unlimited
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • e- Learning Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 4
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Total Mocks 22 Tests
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Yes
Regular Plan
AUD 695
  • Duration 4 WEEKS
  • Classes 20
  • Course Timing 20 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Class Yes
PTE Nepal
NRS 13,000
  • Duration 8 WEEKS
  • Class 40
  • Course Timing 40 Hours
  • Scored Mock Test 2 Yes
  • Weekly Mock Test 3
  • Full Mock Test 3
  • e-Learning Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Practice Lab Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Yes
Express Plan
AUD 550
  • Duration 2 WEEKS
  • Classes 8
  • Course Timing 8 Hours
  • Class Flexibility Yes
  • Weekly Mock Tests 2
  • Full Mock Tests 2
  • Online Materials Yes
  • Exam Questions Yes
  • Instant Writing Checking Yes
  • 1 On 1 Consultations 2
  • Guaranteed Techniques Yes
  • Discussion Group Yes
  • Study Area Yes
  • Computers for Self Learning Yes
  • Trial Class Yes

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