Here's a proven method of summarizing the written text. Let's follow every step for six to ten question sets and see how you go. Initially, you need to understand the question itself(what is it about, what is trying to convey/tell, how are pieces of information interrelated), timing is the key factor, how you're scored or on what basis is your score counted and finally how are you going to approach a given set of the question?
Scoring Basis
[ Whereas principles of -----A--- attribute to ---B---- and ----C----, the significance of ----D---- would relate to not only ----E---- but also ------F----- and ------G-----, so as not to undermine the implications of ----H---, -----I----,----J----,-----K-----, and -----L----- as well as ----------M----------. ]
Ques. When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job ’unpaid and dangerous’ was to protect her parents’ livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the other indigenous inhabitants of Namibia’s rural communal lands shared her view. Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena’s life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed the manager of a guest lodge. Her village and hundreds of others have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve wildlife management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. “Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows”, she also says. “The future is better with wildlife around not only for jobs but also for the environment” (Florry 2004).
Answer Sample-
Approach 1-
Whereas principles of Namibia’s independence attribute to indigenous inhabitants and the environment, the significance of wildlife management would relate to not only conservancies but also poaching, so as not to undermine the implications of the tourism industry, tourism development, government efforts, and creating jobs as well as opportunities. (48 words)
Approach 2-
Although Namibian people saw wildlife as their enemy during the time Namibia became independent, their life changed and they have benefited from governmental efforts for devolution of wildlife management and tourism development to NGOs and conservancies run by indigenous people by creating jobs and growth in the tourism industry. (48words)
Ques. When an individual drives a car, heats a house or uses an aerosol hairspray, greenhouse gases are produced. In economic terms, this creates a classic negative externality. Most of the costs (in this case, those arising from global warming) are borne by individuals other than the one making the decision about how many miles to drive or how much hairspray to use. Because the driver (or sprayer) enjoys all the benefits of the activity but suffers only a part of the cost, that individual engages in more than the economically efficient amount of the activity. In this sense, the problem of greenhouse gases parallels the problems that occur when someone smokes a cigarette in an enclosed space or litters the countryside with fast-food wrappers. If we are to get individuals to reduce the production of greenhouse gases to the efficient rate, we must somehow induce them to act as though they bear all the costs of their actions. The two most widely accepted means of doing this are government regulation and taxation, both of which have been proposed to deal with greenhouse gases.
Approach 1-
Whereas principles of greenhouse gases attribute to global warming, the significance of reducing greenhouse gases would relate to not only taxation but also government regulations, so as not to undermine the implications of bearing the costs, driving cars, smoking, and efficient rates as well as actions. (46 words)
Approach 2-
When an individual produces greenhouse gases by driving a car, heating a house or even using an aerosol hair spray, creates negative externality, and the costs are borne by individuals other than the one causing them, and for tackling this problem, government regulation and taxation are said to be the most widely accepted means. (54 words)
Ques. - Plants serve as the conduit of energy into the biosphere, provide food and materials used by humans, and they shape our environment. According to Ehrhardt and Frommer, the three major challenges facing humanity in our time are food, energy, and environmental degradation. All three are plant related. All of our food is produced by plants, either directly or indirectly via animals that eat them. Plants are a source of energy production. And they are intimately involved in climate change and a major factor in a variety of environmental concerns, including agricultural expansion and its impact on habitat destruction and waterway pollution. What’s more, none of these issues is independent of each other. Climate change places additional stresses on the food supply and on various habitats. So, plant research is instrumental in addressing all of these problems and moving into the future. For plant research to move significantly forward, Ehrhardt and Former say technological development is critical, both to test existing hypotheses and to gain new information and generate fresh hypotheses. If we are to make headway in understanding how these essential organisms function and build the foundation for a sustainable future, then we need to apply the most advanced technologies available to the study of plant life, they say.
Approach 1- Whereas principles of the biosphere attribute to climate change and environmental concerns, the significance of agricultural expansion would relate to not only plants but also food and energy, so as not to undermine the implications of our environment, food supply, technological development, and plant life as well as a sustainable future. (51 words)
Approach 2- Whereas underlying principles of plants and energy pertaining to the biosphere, the significance of providing food relate with not only humans but also the environment and animals, so as not to undermine the crucial implications of climate change, agricultural expansion, habitat destruction, as well as waterway pollution. (47 words)
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